A wintry animal story for readers aged 9+ that will warm your heart and take you on an adventure you will never forget.
It's the Christmas holidays and Thea is looking forward to spending them with her father. She can tell him all about her plans to become a writer, and maybe he'll buy her the typewriter she's been dreaming of. But when Thea arrives in Norway, everything feels wrong.
Her father is as distant as ever and now she has to share him with his new family: his girlfriend Inge and her children. Then Thea makes a surprising discovery. Deep in the snowy woods by the house, is a bear.
He's scared and hungry and he desperately needs Thea's help. When the town hears about a bear living in the woods, Bear's life is in even greater danger. Thea needs to show everyone that he's not dangerous - he's a good bear - if she's to save him.
Beautifully illustrated by award-winning illustrator Fiona Woodcock.
Author(s): Lean, Sarah, Woodcock, Fiona,
Binding: Hardback,
Date of Publication: 15/10/2020,
Pagination: 320 pages,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Simon & Schuster Childrens Books,
Published By: Simon & Schuster Ltd,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781471194672