When Jennings arrives at Linbury Court Preparatory School as a new boy, he soon discovers how much he has to learn, especially when the other boys seem to be talking in a different language! Spivish ozard!
But it is not long before Jennings becomes a celebrity, following an intrepid escape from the school grounds and a riotous attempt to enliven a fire practice, which leaves Old Wilkie literally climbing the walls!
From then on, every time Jennings gives trouble the elbow, a new disaster trips him over. But only one thing really matters to J C T Jennings – his First Eleven debut. When the long-awaited match arrives, Jennings certainly uses his head.
Author(s): Buckeridge, Anthony,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 05/08/2001,
Pagination: 226 pages,
Series: Jennings,
Imprint: House of Stratus,
Published By: HOUSE OF STRATUS ,
Book Classification: Children's, young adult & educational,
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780755113682